Saturday October 20, 2018
5 – 10 PM
Comics Are Go
“It never occurred to us to save any of those things. We never thought they’d have any value later on. We worked in a very small office, and the printer would send back all the original pages of artwork, but we had no place to put them. So when we ordered food, we told the delivery guy, “Hey, would you mind taking these pages and dropping them in the trash on the way out?”””– Stan Lee 2011
Luckily for us, there’s still plenty of this “trash” around. Original, one-of-a-kind comic art can still be found and is valued as an art form on it’s own. Join us at Comics Are Go for our first Comics Are Art Expo, an extraordinary night where you can discover and purchase amazing original pieces of comic art, ranging from sketches by local artists to original pages from published comics. Also available will be a large collection of newly acquired vintage color guides, the hand-colored step between the artist and the printer.
This free event is open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. More details about local artists and displayed works coming soon!
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